tandem & moi
So far, the response to the first release of tandem has been very positive and I couldn't be happier. Besides that, there are thousands of ideas spinning around in my head, waiting to be realized. In between bug fixing and prototyping new features, I love to play around with some of tandem's various parameters.
Obviously, software in the real world is built around certain constraints. In tandem, one of these constraints is, at the moment at least, the number of photos that can be displayed on screen. For the current release, I've came to limit this number to around three hundred — 363 to be precise. This is due to the fact that I haven't invested much time into memory management yet, a matter that turned out to be one of Flash Player 9's dirty little secrets.
Anyway, the real test for tandem, to a certain point for selfish reasons, will always be my personal Flickr account which currently features 6250 public photos. Needless to say, nobody who's right in his mind would attempt to load 6250 photos into a Flash application, would she? Well, whatever you may think, I did. And, it was a lot of fun. However, see for yourself:
By the way, this fun little experiment only used up little more than 1.2 GB of memory. Gotta love this little quote by Parkinson:
Software expands to fill the available memory.
P.S. Since someone asked already, the closest to setting up a feed for releases, was setting up a tandem commits mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/tandem-commits.